
Birth doula - Homebirth

“Once we decided to have a natural birth at home for our first baby, I knew I was going to need a birth doula, for both my husband and myself. When I met Errin, I knew immediately she was going to be the perfect person for us.

During our meeting, she demonstrated her knowledge and experience in a calm, cool, and gentle manner. She immediately put me at ease. Leading up to the birth, we kept in contact – mostly via text and audio recordings due to COVID-19 – throughout my pregnancy. As a first-time mom, I of course had many questions! Errin was always quick to offer (non-medical) advice, suggestions for reading material, and just overall support and confidence. She knew I was capable of having a home birth, even before I did.

When the time came to have our baby, Errin was over within minutes. My labor began fairly quickly; Errin and my husband worked together like a team, setting up the birth area with lavender and candles, filling the birth tub with warm water, and, above all, taking care of my needs. Errin was my pain relief. Even before I could utter what I needed, she was right there by my side, walking with me with her hand on my back where I needed relief. When my Midwife and her assistant finally arrived, I still very much needed Errin. She kept us grounded and provided peace of mind. Did I mention she was also our impromptu photographer?! Errin documented the unreal moment our baby emerged from the water. For the next hour or so, I wasn’t focused on anything or anyone except my new baby, but Errin was there.

When it was time to breastfeed, Errin was there, showing me how to hold my baby and bring her to my breast. When it was time for the Midwives to pack up, Errin was with me in the bathroom, reassuring me I could pee! (And I did! Haha!) And when it was time for her to leave, she made sure we were settled and had everything we needed. Errin, from the bottom of our three hearts, thank you.”
Suzelle B. ​

Birth Doula - Hospital

“Errin was my doula last year; from the very beginning of our conversations, she was warm, kind, trustworthy, and made me feel safe to ask any and all questions! Errin was thorough in explaining the many different topics of conversation surrounding birth in a way that was informative and not at all overwhelming.

For the birth of my son, I truly and with my whole heart mean it when I say that Errin made my birth everything I could have dreamed of. I had a plan, and half of it had to be disregarded. Errin was quick to find the positives, educate me on the new path, be my cheerleader, and help my husband focus on being my support while she spoke with nurses and was my voice when I was busy focusing on myself.

Errin’s ability to keep calm and confident and peaceful at every moment was a sort of strength I didn’t know I needed. Her genuine care for me, my husband, and my son were felt deep in my core. I still consider her a friend almost a year later. I trust Errin so much that I recommend her to everyone I know who is a future birthing person.

She also takes wonderful candid photos, is such a strong advocate for you + baby’s health, and is so endlessly supportive and loving. Errin is absolutely wonderful as a person, as a doula, and as a friend. I think everyone needs someone like her in their life but especially while bringing life into the world.” - Erin B.
Erin B.

Postpartum doula

“I call Errin my angel and I mean that whole heartedly.

I was determined to have a different experience for my third pregnancy and hired Errin because support was something I didn't have after my first two pregnancies. I never dreamed how loved I would feel by this woman and how much she would love my baby. Whatever I needed, along with things I didn't even know I needed, was given to me and my family.

My postpartum experience was beautiful because of her and I can't imagine doing things differently. Her knowledge of babies, women, pregnancy and postpartum is beyond what words can describe. She not only becomes a part of the family but becomes the teacher, showing us all how to navigate big changes and doing it calmly and lovingly. She is truly one of a kind.”
Angie B.​

Birth Doula - Hospital

“I sought out Errin to be my birth doula after working along side her to support a birth. Being a doula myself, I felt really strongly about wanting someone I knew I could trust and that would not only advocate for me but help me advocate for myself to have the birth I wanted.

Not only was Errin a huge support throughout my birth, but prenatally and postpartum as well. I had a lot of anxiety about having a hospital birth, and Errin being there and helping me to advocate for myself and supporting my decisions made my birth experience a lot easier. My husband and I truly could not have done it without her.

Errin goes above and beyond in every aspect, and cares so deeply about every client she has and birthing people as a whole.”
Miranda Y.

Postpartum doula/Overnight Care

“Errin was by my family's side day and night when we brought our baby girl home. She was with us during our sleepless nights. Woke me every 4 hours to pump so I could get a few hours of sleep. She was an angel sent from above during our time of need. Like the old saying, “It takes a village”. There was a village behind me raising this little baby.

In the midst of learning how to be a newborn parent we learned so much more from Errin. The calmness she brought into the chaos of sleeplessness and chores piling up was the best part of having her. Fast forward three years later and she is still apart of our family as we love her family like ours.

As much as I felt it was my responsibility to raise our child the best way we knew how, I learned so much more trusting someone that is more knowledgeable than I in that field. We LOVE you Errin!!”
Tammy S.

Sibling Doula -Postpartum Care

“Errin was our sibling and postpartum doula after our first doula had to cancel due to personal circumstances. We had a hard time finding a replacement short notice, so Errin was our lifesaver. She made room for us in her schedule and even drove to the northwest suburbs which isn't around the corner for her.

Errin is so passionate about supporting women during their postpartum period. She is very knowledgeable, warm, calm and nurturing. She helped us in so many ways: caring for our older daughter, our 4 dogs, the household, nourishing meals, teas or snacks for me, yoni steams, flowers from her garden, wonderful conversations.

Errin has lots of experience and she loves what she does which shows. I highly recommend her.”
Melinda S.​